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Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Moral Purpose

We would like to thank our loyal customers for always supporting us.

Our moral purpose is to address world problems like hunger, climate issues like water shortages and fires, and providing necessities like education and medicine to underprivileged parts of the world.

Our goal is to help at least 75 countries in need through Kiva, and with your help, we can make that happen!

Selling Products Responsibly

 We aim to offer more sustainable and socially responsible products in our store. However, we know we can't accomplish this alone, which is why it's so important that we work collaboratively with other brands to drive positive change within the watch industry too.

We also try to use minimum packaging when we send our products. This is going to help us minimize our environmental wastes.

- The Limitless Team 




Below are countries we have helped worldwide and continue to do so.


